Labor Reform: Anne Marie Gurney, Oregon Director of the Freedom Foundation, speaks at UCRCC meeting

Anne Marie Gurney shared the following information with us.

From the Freedom Foundation:


Most Americans don’t like being told what to do. Yet many government employees are forced, as a condition of working, to pay dues to union organizations. These union monopolies overcharge workers and spend huge sums of money on political campaigns and lobbying. And, since union power comes from government, union lobbyists always push for bigger and more powerful government. …


The Freedom Foundation is working to reverse the stranglehold public-sector unions have on our government. We are fighting to make collective bargaining more transparent, give government employees a choice to join an employees union or not, and prohibit taxpayer’s money from being unwillingly used to influence the political system. Our plan includes: lobbying the legislature for these changes, communicating stories about how government unions use their power to influence policies, ​engaging citizens to make these changes in their local governments, and suing government unions for these abuses.


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