As the 2019 Novel
Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread across our state, our nation,
and the world I wanted to update you on the latest information. My top
priority is ensuring that our local health care providers have the
resources they need.
The situation is rapidly
changing, but I will continue to provide updates and resources. I am in
constant contact with local and federal officials and will continue to
provide updates on my COVID-19 resource page. Additionally, you can stay updated by following my Twitter @RepGregWalden or my Facebook page @RepGregWalden.
Below you will find some helpful updates and resources on the coronavirus.
It is an honor to represent you in the U.S. Congress.
Best regards,
Greg Walden
U.S. Representative
Oregon’s Second District
The latest on the coronavirus: The situation is rapidly changing, but I wanted to share the latest information and news on the outbreak and relief efforts.
More Money for Health Care Providers:
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that they will distribute an additional $15 billion in provider relief funds to eligible Medicaid and CHIP providers that participate in state Medicaid and CHIP programs and that have not received a payment from the Provider Relief Fund General Allocation. HHS also announced the distribution of $10 billion in Provider Relief Funds to safety net hospitals that serve our most vulnerable citizens.
Economy on the Rise:
America’s economy is on the rise. The economy under President Trump continues to break records. In May, we have added 2.5 million jobs – the biggest one-month jobs surge in our nation’s history since 1939. Read more here.
Preventing the Second Wave:
Last week, Rep. Walden released a report detailing the U.S.’s rapid progress on testing and what testing measures are needed to prevent a second wave of COVID-19 infections in the fall. The U.S. has now performed more than 17.3 million tests. Over 2.7 million of those tests were performed in the past 7 days. Read more here.
What’s Walden Doing: An update on my latest actions on coronavirus.
Greg Walden Speaks at Hearing on COVID-19
The Energy and Commerce Committee held a virtual hearing with governors from three states regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch it here.
Greg Walden Announces Second Wave Preparedness Project
Greg Walden and Brett Guthrie (R-KY) released a number of recommendations related to testing and surveillance that officials should consider to better position the country for any future spikes in COVID-19 infections. Read more here.
Resources to Know and Share: Here are some helpful resources and information on COVID-19.
Paycheck Protection Program prioritizes millions of Americans employed
by small businesses by authorizing billions in funding toward job
retention and certain other expenses.
Small businesses and
eligible nonprofit organizations, Veterans organizations, and Tribal
businesses described in the Small Business Act, as well as individuals
who are self-employed or are independent contractors, are eligible if
they also meet program size standards.
- For a top-line overview of the program CLICK HERE
- If you’re a lender, more information can be found HERE
- If you’re a borrower, more information can be found HERE
- The application for borrowers can be found HERE
The Small Business Administration has also launched a hotline for lenders who need assistance accessing SBA’s E-Tran system. That number is: 1-833-572-0502. More answers from the SBA can be found here.
The State Department is making efforts to bring home Americans, including through commercial flights, chartered flights, and military transport. Any American abroad who needs assistance should contact their local U.S. embassy and register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), available here or by calling 1-888-407-4747.
How to schedule a blood donation appointment:
- Visit RedCrossBlood.org. Click on “Schedule an Appointment” under the “Donate Blood” tab. From there you can enter your zip code to find a blood drive near you.
- Red Cross Blood Donor App
- Call 1-800-RED-CROSS
- Use Amazon Alexa Blood Scheduling Skill
Fast Facts: Here are some helpful stats on COVID-19 as of 6/9/20
Cases of COVID-19:
U.S. current case count:
There are currently at least 1,973,803 cases and 111,751 deaths in the
United States, as reported by Johns Hopkins and other media sources.
Oregon Current Case Count: 4,988
Baker: 1
Benton: 63
Clackamas: 393
Clatsop: 45
Columbia: 17
Coos: 32
Crook: 6
Curry: 7
Deschutes: 134
Douglas: 29
Grant: 1
Harney: 1
Hood River: 65
Jackson: 71
Jefferson: 58
Josephine: 23
Klamath: 46
Lake: 2
Lane: 81
Lincoln: 157
Linn: 124
Malheur: 33
Marion: 1066
Morrow: 13
Multnomah: 1329
Polk: 104
Sherman: 1
Tillamook: 6
Umatilla: 144
Union: 7
Wallowa: 3
Wasco: 34
Washington: 807
Yamhill: 85
Testing in Oregon:
Positive: 4,841
Negative: 148,629
Total (since 1/24): 153,470