Protecting the 2nd Amendment

Every two years, I raise my right hand and swear an oath to preserve and defend the U.S. Constitution. That’s an oath I take seriously. The Second Amendment to the Constitution establishes a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms, and I have always been a strong supporter of the Second Amendment.

Our rights to keep and bear arms, however, don’t stop at state lines. That’s why I supported the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, which recently passed the House. This legislation ensures that lawful gun owners who are permitted to carry in their home state can continue to do so when they travel to other states. It’s simple really, law abiding Americans should be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights even when they cross state lines.

Whether one uses a firearm for hunting, sport shooting, personal protection, or any other lawful reason, our Constitution clearly protects their right to do so. In Congress, I will continue to do all I can to protect our constitutional right to bear arms.

Best regards,

Greg Walden
U.S. Representative
Oregon’s Second District

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