“Judge Brett Kavanaugh is great choice to serve on the Supreme Court and is another great nomination by President Trump. Today is a great day for American jurisprudence and fidelity to our great Constitution,” added Currier.
“Judge Kavanaugh fervently believes that a judge must interpret the law, not make the law, thus respecting the separation of powers so wisely defined by The Framers,” stated Oregon Republican Party Chairman Bill Currier. “If confirmed, he pledges to serve with an open mind, while striving to faithfully apply the Constitution of the United States, as written.”
“Sadly, Democrats have already rejected the President’s nominee and directed their leftist front groups to organized protests – before anyone was even nominated,” added Currier. “We hope Democrat Senators will give a fair hearing to Judge Cavanaugh, but, in the case of Oregon’s Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden, recent history shows that they’ve left the political and legal mainstream for the angry, frenzied far left – which relies on vicious media smear campaigns and vitriolic personal attacks, instead of principled dialogue and debate.”
“Despite all this, we are optimistic that strong bipartisan support will confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the highest court in the land.”