It’s Time for Governor Brown to Stand Up To Unions

This week, we called on Governor Brown to start putting Oregon kids ahead of the government employee unions who fund her campaign generously.

But we’re not done yet. Today, a new television ad went live adding more fuel to the fire as Oregonians demand Governor Brown step up and fix our government employee pension system that is draining money from our classrooms.

“Government employee pensions are draining money from our classrooms,” Oregon education activist Kim Sordyl explains in the ad. “But Governor Brown refuses to require government employees to contribute to their pension costs.”

Despite larger school budgets than ever before, Oregon school districts are forced to cut programs and increase class sizes as they are forced to pay more and more for pensions. The Oregon state budget has more money than ever before—we should not be cutting schools.

Why is Governor Brown refusing to require government employees to contribute to their own pensions, just like other Oregon families? Maybe it’s because their unions have given her campaign over $1 million to remain the only government employees in America who don’t contribute to their own pensions.

If you stand with us in the fight to reform PERS, then share our new ad with family and friends, and visit to quickly send a message to your elected officials that it’s time to put kids ahead of politics and fix PERS.

And would you consider a contribution of $100, $50, or event $25 to Priority Oregon to help us hold Governor Brown and other elected officials’ feet to the fire? Any contribution helps us spread our message to every corner of the state until our leaders finally do something about out-of-control government pensions.

With you for Oregon,

Priority Oregon

About Priority Oregon
Priority Oregon supports public policies that will help grow our economy and create new family supporting jobs here in Oregon. Priority Oregon is organized under Section 501C4 of the Internal Revenue Service

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