Oregon GOP Reacts to Planned Parenthood Kavanaugh Walkouts in Oregon

Party Leaders Insist On Fairness and Facts, Condemn Democrats Devious Behavior

Wilsonville, OR – The Oregon Republican Party responded today to the walkouts staged by far-left activists attempting to draw attention to the uncorroborated accusations made by Christine Blasey Ford against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

“If the point of the walkouts is that Christine Blasey Ford should be heard, then we agree that she should be heard without delay – which is exactly what Republican Senate Committee Leadership is doing, and Democrats have been trying to prevent.  We also believe that facts and evidence are the standards that must be followed,” said Oregon GOP Chairman Bill Currier.  “If the walkouts are simply an effort to promote uncorroborated evidence-free accusations from decades ago, then they are misguided political stunts meant to distract from an honest and sincere effort to evaluate the facts.”

“When confirming a nominee to a seat at the top of our justice system, we should not be abandoning that very justice system to do so,” stated Chair Currier.  “Everyone deserves the fairness of being judged on the facts, including judges.  If we abandon this principle, everyone is hurt – victims, accusers, witnesses, and our system of justice, which seeks just and fair treatment for all under the rule of law.”

“We must ultimately rely on credible and corroborated witnesses and reliable facts,” said Oregon Republican Vice Chair Christine Barreto.  “Those who say that fairness and facts don’t matter when it comes to accusations by women should ask themselves, what standard of justice and fairness do they want for their husbands, brothers, fathers, and sons?”

Vice Chair Barreto went on to say, “so far, all the evidence has shown Judge Kavanaugh as a person of impeccable character and integrity who has a demonstrated history of decades of supporting and promoting the dignity and equality of women, both within the legal profession and throughout his daily life, as corroborated by the more than 65 women of all backgrounds who stand unwaveringly behind him. It is unconscionable that a person is found guilty through the court of partisan condemnation when a baseless accusation is made and indisputable evidence has not been presented. We continue to stand strongly in support of his nomination.”

“Of one thing we can be certain, Democratic Senators and their media allies are guilty of abusing and corrupting the confirmation process to serve their hyper-partisan political goals,” added Vice Chair Barreto.  “By withholding the accusation information for many months until just prior to the final confirmation vote, only to leak it against the wishes of the accuser, they’ve acted in very bad faith and revealed themselves as devious manipulators of the process rather than trustworthy holders of high public office.”

The Oregon Republican Party is the state’s arm of the Republican National Committee. Its Chairman and officers are dedicated to promoting Republican principles within the state of Oregon and to improving the lives and livelihoods of Oregon’s working families through economic freedom and equal protection under the law.

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The Oregon Republican Party is the state’s arm of the Republican National Committee. Its Chairman and officers are dedicated to promoting Republican principles within the state of Oregon and to improving the lives and livelihoods of Oregon’s working families through economic freedom and equal protection under the law.


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