Ten Questions Kate Brown Should Answer Tonight

Oregon GOP Says Voters Deserve Answers From Governor Before Election

Wilsonville, OR – Kate Brown’s tenure as governor has been a failure on so many issues, and Brown has repeatedly refused to hold press conferences and answer questions about basic aspects of her four-year record.  And voters deserve to know where Kate Brown stands on the critical issues facing Oregon before they vote.

Here are the ten questions Brown should answer at the final gubernatorial debate tonight:

  1. ETHICS AND TRANSPARENCY:  Media reports that Kate Brown’s Governor Office Staff have been directing campaign resources, firing staff, covering up campaign activity on the Governor’s calendar, and hiding campaign and personal expenses charged to state credit cards – all at taxpayer expense were recently corroborated by a former campaign manager of hers.  Was she aware that this was happening at the time and why did let this happen after vowing to clean up the ethics mess left by her predecessor, ex-Gov. John Kitzhaber?
  2. MEDICARE SCANDAL: Numerous reports have detailed over $100 million in overpayments by the Oregon Health Authority. It’s clear that Kate Brown has squandered our taxpayer dollars.  Why was Brown so slow to get to the bottom of this?  Has Brown recovered the money, and will she apologize for the scandal?
  3. MISMANAGEMENT: Numerous key Kate Brown appointees to critical leading roles in her administration have proven incompetent, abusive, or corrupt – leading her to fire or retire them.  A former member of your own campaign staff corroborates reports that Brown is a “really awful manager of people, operations and structures.”  Why has this happened and why should Oregonians believe things will be different during a new term as Governor?
  4. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS: In 2015 as Secretary of State Kate Brown published an audit critical of Oregon’s disaster preparedness.  After nearly four years as Governor, the Brown Administration’s Emergency Mgmt. Dept has failed yet another Secretary of State audit.  Why did Kate Brown allow this to happen and why should we believe she’ll do better during her next term if re-elected, especially if the Big One hits?
  5. HOMELESSNESS AND PUBLIC SAFETY: Both have gotten increasingly worse under Kate Brown. Why should we trust her ability to solve the homelessness crisis, given her failed record so far?
  6. FOSTER CARE: Does Kate Brown really believe that she’s had a successful record helping foster care kids, as she claimed at the first debate, given the multiple reports of negligence, hunger and even deaths at foster care homes?
  7. PERS: Why won’t Kate Brown do anything to end the out-of-control costs that is the real cause of Oregon’s public pension crisis?
  8. EDUCATION: In October 2017, after another report of Oregon’s high school graduations rates being among the worst in the nation, Kate Brown fired Salam Noor to Deputy Superintendent for Public Instruction saying Noor failed to execute Brown’s “vision” and she vowed to make education her “top priority.”  What vision of Kate Brown’s did he fail at, and why should Oregonians believe she can now suddenly produce vastly improved results?
  9. SPENDING: Last Thursday, Kate Brown couldn’t name one thing she would cut from the state budget.  Why not?  Should voters assume that Kate Brown believes that all spending is necessary no matter what?
  10. TAXES: With the growth in spending that Kate Brown wants without budget cuts, she’s going to have to raise taxes.  Exactly which taxes will she hike if elected to a new term as Governor?

The Oregon Republican Party is the state’s arm of the Republican National Committee. Its Chairman and officers are dedicated to promoting Republican principles within the state of Oregon and to improving the lives and livelihoods of Oregon’s working families through economic freedom and equal protection under the law.

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The Oregon Republican Party is the state’s arm of the Republican National Committee. Its Chairman and officers are dedicated to promoting Republican principles within the state of Oregon and to improving the lives and livelihoods of Oregon’s working families through economic freedom and equal protection under the law.


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