Antifa Mobs Riot in Portland and Seattle on Inauguration Day
Despite the election and despite winter weather, rioting and property destruction continues in Portland, Oregon.
Antifa vandalizes DNC headquarters in Portland on inauguration day. Antifa symbol spray painted.
The oft-repeated leftist goal is to destroy all of society and then establish a “new world order”. Antifa masks predate Covid-19 and are for the purpose if hiding identity to avoid arrest. Lately homemade riot protect gear hs been added.
Leftest are not democrats although our elected democrat party leaders are frequently their enablers.
At DNC offices in Portland. Some windows appeared to be made of plexiglass and were difficult to break.
More graffiti and broken windows at the Democratic party office in Portland.
Antifa rioting and vandalism also occurring in Seattle.
US flag burned by Antifa mob at intersection in Seattle.